Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I'm not sure what to cover here, but I just started this blog and like Googles new blogspot layout!

This is the first post of my new blog, so to break ground, as is customary, background info on the blog follows: I began bloggging in 2008 just about the time I ventured into the working-world afresh as a Contracts-Representative trainee for a small Government-serving staff company (the now dissolved "KPS,Inc"), and had a few ideas then that still resound pretty strongly with me, today, amidst my trek to become a part of a value-adding-,value-acknowledging company that serves a greater global goal of enhancing worth through bona fide,conscientious workmanship. On the assumption that perpetually increased satisfaction is attainable through consistent strides towards sound ethic, I embrace this approach to apply towards all aspects of life and hope this is evident and reflected by the content of posts made, forward. If you find me to be misguided or unclear, I encourage you to interaction and seek your dialogue to identify ways in which we can bring yourself, me, and any readers of this blog closer to consensus and most importantly, hope this is light enough for enjoyment :)

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